Chile 2011

These pages documents Malte Steiners 2011 artist-in-residency at Open City (La Ciudad Abierta) Of Ritoque, Chile. Invited by Oscar Santis, Steiner stays between 8. and 21. June at the Cubicula Del Poeta in the Open City, working on a new installation with videomapping, done in PD Gem. On the 17. there was be the opening at Hospederia Del Errante.

On 18. june there was planed a workshop at Sala De Musica about Pure Data and in the evening an Elektronengehirn concert at Hospederia Del Errante, but due to a power black out it couldn't be done.

Chile Blog
blog about the artist-in-residency in Chile 2011.
video on vimeo
video from the exhibition 17.June 2011, same as in the blog
videomapping in PD
with downloadable PD abstraction and examples