TMS is an experimental noise project by the artists Malte Steiner (DE/DK) and Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen (DK). The format is improvisational sound pieces and concerts built out of Steiner and Madsen's sonic interactions, where noise-scapes and complex structures emerge from intense layering of various in- and outputs. The physical interaction with materials has an additional focus and thus to create a more performative and visual sound experience. TMS use primarily various pedals, self-built controllers and Pure Data to create their sounds. Each chosen element is very important for the whole, where the combination of these play a vital role in the compositions. The inputs can be analogue as well as digital; modulated, transformed and distorted.
TMS releases on Bandcamp
TMS on soundcloud

The former concerts on Youtube:

Wed, April 3, 2024

TMS is going to play at Akusmata Polyphonic festival the 4. April 2024 at Vuotalo Cultural Center Helsinki (FI) At the Akusmata Polyphonic Festival, TMS will debut their new piece “Occurrences”. They have created a cybernetic system which registers and processes their sonic inputs coming from metal percussion and tactile resonance via piezo-microphones. The computer responds to their playing and calculates control data, not only for internal sound synthesis but also for an external modular synthesizer and real-time generated visuals.

About TMS

Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen is an independent artist researcher and curator, who works in the intersection between performance art and media. Madsen's research deals with theory as well as practice and how these are inseparable entities. The main focus points of her work and research are: performative practices, post-humanism and gender studies, internet-based art and networked performance, site specificity, system aesthetics, open technology and sound.

Malte Steiner is a media artist, electronic musician and composer. Steiner started creating electronic music and visual art around 1983, developing his own vision of the interdisciplinary Gesamtkunstwerk. Steiner's musical projects are primarily the experimental electro-acoustic Elektronengehirn, the industrial outfit Notstandskomitee, Akustikkoppler (with Matthias Schuster), Das Kombinat and additionally TMS and codepage (with Tina MK Madsen).